Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weekly Ramble - 18/10/09

17th October
Well would you believe Brian woke up from the anaesthetic yesterday to be told the gallstone was still inside him. The surgeon said it was too dangerous to continue so will try again in 6/8 weeks. In the meantime they inserted a tube to drain the bile away. One good thing to come of it - after 48 hours Brian can return to a normal diet - he‘s pleased about that.

Younger than me sister has decided it will be a good thing to make her own cracker cheese. She brought round samples for morning tea this morning.
I hope she gets better at it by Xmas
My other sister is trying to find a butter churn. She hopes to be totally self sufficient in a couple of years when she retires. She and her hubby already have pigs (makes THE most delicious hams) and a milk cow. She wants to make her own butter, cheese and yoghurt.
Youngest sister and her hubby are off to England for 12 months next year. They will work and see Europe, I’m envious.
I don’t think I could become self sufficient, I’m too lazy but I would like to visit England again.

I can’t believe I haven’t a book to read! Whatever happened to the week! I had plenty of time on Saturday morning or so I thought. I don’t think I could read Pillars of the earth again so soon. I’ve read it so often I almost believe I lived then lol.

The partner of my deceased brother Leonard has a new love. He moved in with her last weekend. I don’t know how I feel about that but it’s not my business any more.

I love Spring. The world is so colourful and the temperatures are very much to my liking. Autumn is good too for the same reasons.

If I have any regrets in life it’s that I never enquired if there were other choices. I trained to be a nurse because there was a training hospital here, but what might I have been.
It’s easy to say I would have been good at this or that. I’ve always been interested in how things work and am always curious enough to read about why things are the way they are like how do the layers of different colours appear in rocks. How did they get there, when and what are they made of…anyway whatever might have happened didn’t which is just as well I guess - I mean imagine not having met beloved Brian. Don’t worry I don’t lose sleep thinking about it but it strikes me every now and then when I see a female electrician, fire engine driver, builder, mechanic etc, etc, etc.

I’ve been trying to write a poem for Halloween…I think it’s done now and I’ve promised not to look at it again because if I do it will never be finished. I can’t help changing a word here, removing a portion there…it’s so frustrating. How do you know when to end it!

Beautiful Spring day today. I started a new client. She’s lovely and was one of my mother’s dearest friends. I didn’t know this when I went today but we got on really well when she realised who I was. Small towns do have their uses.

Aquilegia , what a pretty name for a pretty flower. I have 4 blooming at the moment; 3 yellow and one tri-coloured. One was SUPPOSED to be purple!


Intelliblog said...

Well best wishes to Brian on the road to recovery and the way to a new operation... He may as well enjoy the food for a while.

Doesn't your local library have book sales? Ours always have a trolley of books "for sale". Amazing what you can pick up for a few dollars.

Self-sufficiency is fine for the people with lots of time on their hands - maybe we'll try when we retire (or maybe not!). At the moment it's hard enough to cope with general chores around the garden.

We've had a glorious Spring day here in Melbourne too. Lovely!

JBinford-Bell said...

My first question is what is going to change in 6 to 8 weeks with the gallstone? But nice that Brian is getting some relief.

I wanted to be an architect but colleges in my day were excluding women from certain careers. And that was one.

Some people cannot live alone. It requires living with themselves so they rush into other relationships and usually that hurts the other they are using to not face themselves. But like you said. Not your problem. Just be assured it is not a reflection on your brother but on her.

Looking forward to your Halloween poem for this spooky poetry Wednesday. Now I will have to come up with something besides just posting Poe.

As usual I love your rambles. Off to compose one myself.

The Blog of Bee said...

I visited this on another site as I do so this time, clever me copied and paste the comment I left there to put here!!!

And this is it!

If Brian still has his gall bladder which he obviously has, he will have to watch his diet! I am sorry that he had to put out only to find when he came to that he still had the gallstone and the gall bladder.
Good for your sister - not me and that!
W won't even go into my desire to go back to England!
Go buy a book!
Your brother's partner? I know that will be hard for you but I would think she's trying to move on. Although you feel it's not your business which I suppose it isn't, it would be strange if you weren't affected in some way by this move.
Never to late to follow your dreams.
Looking forward to the poem.
Spring is in the air for you with those lovely flowers - so one was supposed to be purple?? It was pollinated from somewhere it shouldn't have been??? Don't blame the flower!! Blame the horny bee!

Bev said...

Nicholas - yes they have book sales but I usually have a library book or 2 to read over the weekend and this week hello! I forgot to go:o(
Jacqui - apparantly they need to drain the bile to be able to get to the stone. The surgeon said it was too close to the bowel to remove safely.
Bee - :o) I planted the flowers and was told "this one is purple" so I placed it accordingly in a position it would be displayed perfectly...but it's yellow. Never mind have spade will travel.