The drive to Tauranga took 2 hours - the weather being atrocious. I hate travelling in bad weather. It’s not so much a lack of faith in Brian’s abilities more that of other idiots on the road; not that he is an idiot oh you know what I mean .
It seemed ages since I visited the cemetery to say hello to the family so I went on Thursday. Man! if the family of the guy next to mum digs up any more soil around his stone they will end up in our space; mum is probably turning in her grave.
They have planted flowers; it looks good even though it’s not really allowed. Why do I feel it would be so infradig to complain to the authorities!
My ex used “Infradig” A lot. So much so I knew when it was coming. It would drive me mad; Just one of the things about him that made me go grrrrrrrrrr!
Meaning and origins straight from “The Phrase finder.”
Infradig - unbecoming of one's position - beneath one's dignity.
This term derives from the Latin infra dignitatem, literally - 'beneath (one's) dignity' and was first recorded by William Hazlitt in Table talk; or, original essays on men and manners, 1822.
The first person to put the shortened infra dig. version into print was Sir Walter Scott. He uses it in his 1825 novel Redgauntlet:
"It would be infra dig. in the Provost of this most flourishing and loyal town to associate with Redgauntlet."
It is now more commonly written without the full stop. Even most of those who realize it is an abbreviation now consider it to be well-enough established not to require it, as amp - short for ampere - is now accepted without a full stop.
What is beneath one's dignity is obviously a matter of judgment. The group most often associated with the term are the British upper classes, although they might now consider it infra dig ever to use it
The earthquakes and resulting Tsunami across the pacific have caused untold suffering to a wonderful people. Many Samoans and Tongans live in New Zealand and planeloads have been returning to help and be with what’s left of their families and homes. It’s saddening to watch TV reports of the devastation but I can’t help feeling like an interloper; I mean, is it necessary for TV cameras be right in the face of a mother as she discovers her dead children and then stay focused on her face capturing every grief stricken emotion?
By all means report but let them keep their dignity. Let them grieve in peace for goodness sake.
I must have missed the warning siren on the morning of the tsunami. The night before was a most magnificent electrical storm. It was said later over 150 lightening strikes hit the area of the Bay of Plenty. Poor Max is terrified of thunder and lightening. We let him in and he couldn't get close enough to me without climbing on the bed which is a big NO NO! as far as I'm concerned so he sat up all night with his snout as close to my pillow as he could get, letting out little whimpers and sighing alot.
I didn't know dogs could sigh! needless to say neither of us got much sleep whereas Brian slept through the whole thing, typical!.

The first I heard of the possibility of a tsunami hitting our coastline was actually AFTER the radio reported a huge water spout off the beach near here; the tsunami warning came after that would you believe and it was just an alert and nothing to worry about so off course I didn’t.
Some 200 people took shelter in the hills but I went to work as usual and the whole thing passed with hardly a ripple.
Click on the picture to get the full impact...WOW
It could have been worse but I doubt the people who are supposed to keep us safe would have reacted any differently.
I have my rummage sale beginning in just over an hour so there is lots I should be doing but I had to come and read your ramble.
Actually in Samoa they canceled the tsunami alert moments before it hit. Don't you love it?
There is a mild tranquilizer the vet can give you for his nervousness during storms. I call them Thunder Pills and my dogs will begin to calm down just at the mention of thunder pills. They are happier, I am happier and it is such a small dose I don't fret about getting them addicted - well beyond emotionally.
My sister, the nurse, told me when I was going through several MRI's for head and neck injuries that if I made it home and there was not an ambulance in the drive way I should not fret over the results. There is someone that looks at the scope as it is being done. They are there if they need to pull you out for massive bleeds, etc. But they also get the first look see after it is done and before the much later radiologist read.
Always good to worry about the other idiots. Defensive driving.
And the way to handle the encroachment issue at the cemetery is to go to the person in charge and say brightly, "Have you changed your rules? I would love to plant flowers around my parents' grave but I always thought it was against the guidelines, but I see that others are doing it so if it has changed . . . ."
Your advice is always so sensible Jacqui as in now why didn't I think of that! Never thought there would be a tranq for dogs though when you think about it why not! and the cemetary thing, off course that's what I should fact I think my sister went to school with the mother of the chap who is in gharge so maybe she can get it sorted. Good luck with the rummage sale.
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