A new water tank is going in at our family caravan place down the coast...I don’t know... What's wrong with the old one huh!!!
It is a recorded fact that my great grandparents built the old water tank to capture an underground spring. For over 100 years it has supplied the family owned general store, boarding house and one or two other homes around about. Now it only supplies our camp site and one other house. So many cracks and leaks means water is being wasted though I have never known it to actually run dry.
Talking of summer - oh wasn’t I anyway I’ve been trying to tell Brian - A few warm and sunny days do not a summer make…he wants to dispense with his winter vest. Not ME though. My thermals are staying firmly fixed to my body for at least another month! Oh apart from coming off for washing off course - goes without saying
I noticed Max had a broken canine tooth on Sunday so Brian took him off to the vet on Monday. They found he also had 2 broken back teeth. The advice? do nothing until he stops eating or shows signs of swelling or pain. I don’t know anything about dogs apart from what I read so I hope they know what they are doing.
The other day we had such winds…when I looked out our fence was swaying a foot back and forth. I was sure it was going to blow down. Luckily it’s still standing butfor how long.
I was thinking of what to do with my hair this summer i.e. have it cut or let it grow and realized that for almost my whole life I have had a love hate relationship with my hair. Nothing has consumed so much of my time and I can’t even remember if I’ve ever been completely satisfied with it, I don’t suppose for a minute I’m alone in this?
This has been a very quiet time around home so that’s my lot for now happy days…
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